Let's just say the week leading up to them didn't really go according to plan....First off I was expecting the new 29er to be ready to rock and roll on Wednesday with the race being on Saturday....Well that didn't really happen, but it did get built! Only.....It was Friday the night before the race when it was done, but when it was all said and done it weighed in at an incredible 21lbs, and a quick spin on it cofirmed what I had thought....This is going to be one fast bike! With everything ready to go I went to "sleep" as I knew it was going to be a tough day ahead of me in the morning..
Well....The sleep was going good until my body decided ya know what? I'm going to wake up at 2 in the morning and not go to bed...Dang it.....So with around 3 or so hours of sleep I was wondering how this whole race was going to pan out...I arrived at the Wanoga Sno Park, and it was a brisk 43 degrees....Yeah....Wasn't digging the early morning temps that's for sure...I picked up my number plate, and then proceeded to keep warm in the confines of the car. Before I knew it it was almost go time, and I was excited yet nervous at the same time. Not knowing how my body was going to react at all, but I was optimistic.
Of course there was call ups for riders who have scored USA Cycling points, but of course being from Oregon, and mostly racing in Oregon that doesn't equal getting USAC points due to the fact we have the awesome sanctioning body of OBRA for our racing! But all was not lost because I was still in the 2nd row on the start. The gun went off, and it was a high pace on the double track, which is something I would become accustomed to in the opening few miles of the race. Originally it was a group of about 4 of us at the front setting a solid tempo trying to put some time into our rivals! As we got to one of the more steep climbs I soon learned the attacks were going to come flying....Yeah....Umm....No thanks, and my body just wasn't ready for such fierce attacks, and I decided ya know what? It's a long race, so I'll just set a nice solid tempo, so I don't end up blowing up, and having to charge the 45 some odd miles remaining on fumes....This was a great idea, but it also meant that I got passed by another few people putting me in 7th. It was at this point I knew I could try to rely on my endurance to bring me back in the game.
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Somewhere near Mt. Bachelor.... |
Slowly, but surely I reeled some of them in...I moved up two places on the flagline climb to put me in 5th in the category, but I wasn't really happy with that, and continued to try and see if I could catch anyone else...Of course normally a course with this much climbing isn't really my cup of tea, but I had to make the most of it. I was sure regretting not pre riding the course at all before the race....Note to self...Use make use of my close proximity to the race course..
I continued to plug along, and it was finally on the downhills in which I noticed the true capabilities of the 29er...Wow....You barely have to pedal to rocket downhill on these things! It's no wonder there the trend for around this area! The extra traction in the soft moon dust corners was just icing on the cake as I'm pretty sure I was rocketing through sections I'm sure I would have been second guessing at the same speeds on the 26er..
I didn't see any competitors for a long long time....That is until Dynamo hum...At least I think that's what it's called...I gotta get out and explore my backyard more....I saw a familiar kit from earlier in the race off in the distance, and I knew I had to catch him before we started descending again as I knew I had the edge there. So I plugged along on the climb keeping a decent clip, not over reaching, but not soft pedaling either. Just a nice solid pace. He bobbled, and made a mistake hit a rock, and I was able to squeeze by, and determined to to let him follow my lines, and pace off me I gunned it in an effort to put some time into him, and it worked! Yes...I was moving up in the race after all! After at least an hour or so of being solo passing nobody except some Pro Women who had started 10 minutes before our race.
I would have to say Dynamo is probably one of the most fun trails I haven't been on yet, and I really want to ride it more now that I know it exist! Diving through turns, and quick uphills followed by quick downhills, and some flowing turns...It was just all Central Oregon biking is about...I vow to return! But unfortunately the fun had to come to an end, and it was off to some more fire roads! Except these ones looked a bit more familiar than the ones in the earlier part of the race! Yes! I was getting closer to the Wanoga Sno-Park, which signals one quick loop, and I was finally done! I raced by the Sno-Park with an extra burst of energy because of it! Well...That, and the fact my mom, and some friends were cheering me on, so it gave me that extra bit of motivation to go that much faster even if my legs were on there last leg...No pun intended...
Finally....It was onto a familiar section! Tiddlywinks! I was ever so optimistic that I could possibly catch some more rivals if I put my local knowledge to use on the rest of the course of which I'm extremely familiar with! In fact last time I was racing down Tiddlywinks was Pickett's Charge, which I did well at, and had fond memories of how fast I was going on the dowhill...However this was not to be as my arms of all things were fatigued and didn't quite allow the control necessary to go downhill at the speeds I was accustomed to, well that and somewhere along the course I had burped some air out of the front tire, and now it was rolling over on itself if I pushed it a little to hard in the corners...Well....I really didn't wanna stop to give up any more time, so from then on out it was pure damage control....I knew that if I made it to the bottom, I could easily make it the rest of the way because funner is mainly uphill until the finish, and that's exactly what I did.
I have to say that was the hardest time I have EVER had getting up funner, and it may or may not have had something to do with the previous 40 some off miles, but still it just plain hurt! I suppose if I didn't feel this way then I didn't try hard enough then anyways right? So I gritted my teeth, and just grinded it out on funner determined to not lose anymore time, but not exactly expecting to gain anything either. Just expecting to stay neutral I guess you would say..It was a major relief when I got to the sno-park, and was so close to the finish..I was determined to give every last bit of energy I had, and went into TT mode on the asphalt to finish it off!
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I'm gunning for those stars and bars next year.... |
One thing I did notice was the tremendous support I received out on the course because I was a local! It seemed like every feed zone I passed I could hear people cheering me on, and calling out my name. This always gave me an extra boost to go that much faster, and I'm truly thankful for everyone that was out there supporting the racers. I couldn't have done it without you! I also want to thank my Mom, and Dad for supporting me so much, and allowing me the opportunity to do what I love to do. Then of course there's all my teammates who keep me motivated, and provide a positive atmosphere during the races. Of course there's everyone at Trinity Bikes who I wouldn't of had a bike to even ride without there help. Yes I'm talking about you Eric, and Greg! So everyone who has supported and helped me in this bike racing thing. This one was for you, but I vow it will only get better!
-Austin Line